According to Forbes, over 500,000 Zoom credentials were recently sold or given away on the dark web. The credentials ranged from personal meeting URLs to login information. While there are a lot of ongoing discussions about using Zoom in the wake of security issues that have come to light over the last few week, if you make the decision to continue to use Zoom, it is probably a good idea to change your password again. However, if you’re already following the practices for password use, that step may not be necessary since you would have a unique generated password in your password manager that is only used for Zoom. Also a good idea–don’t post your Zoom PMI (personal meeting identification) on social media like Prime Minister Boris Johnson did a few weeks back as detailed in this article at PC World.
The bottom line from this news is that practicing good cyber hygiene if just as applicable to Zoom, as it is to anywhere else in cyber space.