Conduct business in Nevada? Here’s what you need to know about SB 220 and how it affects you.

Nevada governor Steve Sisolak recent signed Senate Bill 220 (“SB 220”) into law. It is a new Nevada privacy law that gives consumers the right to opt out of having their personal information sold. You can read more details about it here in this piece I wrote with Jeffrey Dennis. In short, this new law goes into effect on October 1, 2019, and requires compliance from most businesses in Nevada that have a website and collect information from consumers. If you fall into this category, you need to start considering now how you will comply to avoid fines and penalties. We have a 90-day plan to help your business get in compliance with this law and the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) which has key parts going into effect on January 1, 2020. Feel free to reach out if you have questions about either of these laws.

#SB220 #Privacy #Nevadabusiness

The Libra white paper

Today the world got a first glimpse at the future of online payments–or at least the future as envisioned by Facebook–with the release of a white paper on Libra. Libra is intended to be a simple global currency built on blockchain. There are many articles detailing what Libra might mean to the world of finance. I won’t repeat those here, but will just note that there appears to be some significant buy-in from a lot of major players. That means Libra is going to be something we hear a lot about before it launches in early 2020. Only time will tell if it will do what Facebook hopes, but one thing for sure is that the world of cryptocurrency is going to be getting a lot of attention now.

The need for lawyers in a digital world.

The digital age is transforming the world as we know it. New technologies are popping up everyday and replacing old ways of doing things. The constant changes are eliminating redundancies which means industries and people have to adapt. While it is well known that the legal profession is typically slow to adopt new technologies and solutions, lawyers will continue to play an important role in government, business, and society.

Check out this article by Erik P.M. Vermuelen at called “The Rise of Lawyers in a Digital World.”

#cyberlaw #lawyers